LIVERPOOL RESTAURANTS - Kosher restaurants in Liverpool
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Kosher Restaurants in Liverpool
Kashrut is the body of Jewish law dealing with what foods we can and cannot eat and how those foods must be prepared and eaten. "Kashrut" it is the same root as the more commonly known word "Kosher," which describes food that meets these standards. The word "Kosher" can also be used, and often is used, to describe ritual objects that are made in accordance with Jewish law and fit for ritual use.
There is no such thing as "Kosher-Style" food. Kosher is not a style of cooking. Chinese food can be kosher if it is prepared in accordance with Jewish law. Traditional Ashkenazic Jewish foods like knishes, bagels, blantzes and matzah ball soup can all be non-kosher if not prepared in accordance with Jewish law.
When a restaurant calls itself "Kosher-Style" it usually means that the restaurant serves these traditional Jewish foods, and it almost invariably means that the food is not actually kosher.

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2 meals for the price of 1 offer =2 meals for price of 1 offer | available to book online = Available to book online |

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